Tájékoztatunk Titeket, hogy a webáruházunkban leadott megrendelések már csak az ünnepi időszak után, január 6.-án kerülnek teljesítésre. Mindenkinek Kellemes Karácsonyi Ünnepeket kíván a Könyvkalauz Csapata!
Még ennyi ideje van megrendelni az ajándékokat:
Sizzling amid rustling leaves

Sizzling amid rustling leaves

Cikkszám: 9786150106526

Hűségpontok értéke (csak regisztrált vásárlóknak): 125

6 230 Ft
A választott opciók feláraival növelt ár!


This book is an adventure; a gastro-adventure in the forest, with the treasureat the end consisting of its 55 mouth-watering recipes. The adventure beginswith frying pans and pots, and with the sizzle from simmering, frying, bakingand stirring the dishes we are now serving up to the reader – with a side dishof hand-selected quotes from the works of 20th-century hunter ZsigmondSzéchenyi.This book, however, is not for those who simply hunt for the sake of it. Followingin the footsteps of Széchenyi, we have gathered all the ingredients that Hungarianforests boast: game, wild fowl, water fowl, mushrooms, herbs, and lakeand river fish, along with delicacies provided by meadows and even kitchengardens. And as we said, we have simmered, fried or baked each and everyone appropriately.Hungary is a superpower regarding its game, yet even the average Hungarianhas a lot to learn about consuming such wild animals; for example, their meatis low in fact but high in nutrients thanks to their free roaming and eating habits.Game is decidedly nourishing, has a high protein efficiency ratio (PER) and, of course, is also delicious. Game meat is full of flavours providing characteristicaromas, and we have written our recipes accordingly, emphasising them insome cases and, if necessary, downplaying them a little.Game, mushrooms, fruit and herbs from a natural environment provide healthynourishment while leaving a significantly smaller ecological footprint in theirwake than most other foods, because consuming them only consists of hunting,gathering and preparation. Game meat is guaranteed free of any antibiotics,industrial food additives and hormonal derivatives. The meat of wildanimals is also lower in calories. Like lean fish, it contains only half or, in somecases, only a quarter of the calories found in most typically consumed meat.We hope that our little forest adventure will arouse your interest in eating gameand striding through the woods. We have even included recipes for some ofou


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